Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Izevel, Queen of Darkness

Very thrilled to report that my second book, 'Izevel, Queen of Darkness' will be published in October by Scripture Union, as part of their 'Dark Chapters' series under the pseudonym Kate Chamberlayne.

Have really enjoyed writing this. Just researching the book was fascinating and taught me a huge amount.
For example, that the ancients used opium, which was traded from Sumer, Assyria, Babylon etc from 3,400 BC.
That Ahav's ivory palace in Shomrom (Samaria) described in 1 Kings 22:39, was discovered. That the ancients frequented baths which were attached to brothels, in which newborn babies were murdered. Nothing new under the sun. Much like convents being used as brothels and the resulting babies killed and thrown into limepits. The Queen of Heaven has always demanded such evil sacrifices.

In 1921 the largest cemetery of sacrificed infants in the ancient Near East was discovered at Carthage. It is well established that this rite of child sacrifice originated in Phoenicia, ancient Israel's northern neighbor, and was brought to Carthage by its Phoenician colonizers. Hundreds of burial urns filled with the cremated bones of infants, mostly newborns but even some children up to age six years old, as well as animals have been uncovered at Carthage.
They were buried there between the 8th century B.C. and the fall of Carthage during the third Punic War in 146 B.C. On the burial monuments that sometimes accompanied the urns, there was often inscribed the name or symbol of the goddess Tanit, the main Phoenician female deity, and her consort Ba'al Hammon.' Infants and children were regularly sacrificed to this divine couple.

The meaning of the name 'Jezebel' - 'where is the Prince?' which comes from the Ugaritic prayer wailed by the goddess of fertility, the Queen of Heaven, Anat, when lamenting her brother/husband Baal's descent into the Underworld.
'Jezebel' can also mean 'without co-habitation', and just the addition of one letter 'a' at the beginning, as a pun, transforms it to 'Where is the dung?'

The history and significance of Tyre, is fascinating; as one of the most influential of Phoenician city states in the ancient world - whose ruling King and spirit Ba'al Melqart (Hercules) behind him, were described by Ezekiel in such a way as to point out that the Ba'al was another name for the Usurper of the name of the Messiah, 'Morning Star', translated by Jerome in the 3rd century in the Latin vernacular as 'Lucifer'.