Thursday, 7 October 2010

Raclette - Possibility of a German Publisher?

I know a wonderful person, a professional translater and dolmetscher, who offered to start translating 'Raclette and the Siege of Mont d'Or' into German a few years ago, as practise for her exams. Now she's fully qualified and bless her, is carrying on when she has time. Today I heard from another friend, whose wife works for a German publisher, who said that if I needed anything being published in German, I should let him have it. So I sent him the first three chapters of Raclette - in translation, this morning. No telling what will happen, but you never know.


  1. And I feel bad for taking so long... but I have actually been working on it more since business is kind of slow - coincidence?? Hm...
    I'm halfway through chapter 17, so only 3 1/2 more to go... perhaps by the end of this year, you'll have a complete, reworked, proofread and publishable German version...

  2. There's a parcel on its way to you!
